The author has also included an extension that changes your normal barbarians to White Walkers, if you like that sort of thing (which I do!). I’ve based a number of games around this mod and never lacked for enjoyment on any of them. This map has proved popular with other mod makers, and many new factions support this map pack in terms of their starting location. This mod uses true start locations, so factions are city states start where you would expect them to. It also allows for up to 22 factions to play. This map pack gives you a large earth map to play on, larger than the one that comes with the base game. Clockwise from the top these are perfume, olives, lapis lazuli, coffee, coral, jade, amber, tea, and tobacco. I never load a civ game without this mod installed. What followed are my top 5 mods of those I have so far experienced.
Also several (or many more!) mods can be run together for a unique experience. From new features, maps, and factions to play, mods can add a new dimension to the game. Integration with the Steam Workshop made mods easy to acquire, and from the outside it looks as though many mod authors have learned from one another, and also taken the effort to make mods that interact with one another when combined. It was after then that I discovered mods and how they could transform the game. I was effectively ‘done’ with the game shortly after the release of the Brave New World expansion. NET Framework 4.5 (x86 and 圆4)Mods have extended my play time in Civilization V by two years and counting. Discussion on Civilization Fanatics' Forums.Some mods include lua files that won't be recognized ingame.There is a problem with the load order of multiple lua files in a mod.Mods that alter the game database are not supported yet.But those are updates I feel safe to use in public.